From the moment you place your order, there are two steps that commence:
Processing time: All hoodie and shirts are print on demand, except jogging suits and beanies the manufacturer make those.
Shipping time: This refers to the time takes for items to be shipped from our warehouse to the destination. This item is shipped directly from our suppliers and will take around 3-14 days to reach customers within the United States, 7-15 days to Europe & 20-25 days to the rest of world.
What happens if I order more than one item?
Some items will arrive together, while others may arrive separately.
Can I return my items?
Our policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your order was received, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging. The customer is also responsible for covering any shipping charges to return items.
If your item is damaged or faulty, please get in touch.
Will I have to pay customs on my items?
This varies from country to country. The customer is responsible for any customs charges that may arise.
Is your website safe to use?
Yes, of course! We use SSL (secure socket layer) security to ensure that all of your data is encrypted and kept safe at all times.